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HomeGarden Recipes
Everybody has favorite recipes that they you to prepare a great, fresh vegetable dish.
This page will provide some of the favorite recipes of EYF Members.
We encourage everyone to submit their favorite(s) and try them.
You can submit your recipes to and they will be posted on this page.

Articles with On-Line Vegetable Recipes
 Zucchini Casseroles Bell Peppers 
Spinach Dishes   

NOTE: To enlarge the photos and recipes, right click on the item and hit "Open Image in New Tab".  Open the new tab to show enlarged item.
Favorite Recipes from EYF Members
Southern Broccoli Salad
Bread and Butter Pickles

Zucchini Bread
 Broccoli Salad Recipe  Bread & Butter Pickles Recipe  Zucchini Bread Recipe


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